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http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年07月01日16:53 新浪娱乐



  1990年毕业于中央音乐学院管弦系并留校任教。曾先后师从于汪缮修、胡惟民、隋克强、林耀基教授以及 jorg-wolfgang jahn 教授学习小提琴。在1984年第二届全国青少年小提琴比赛中获奖,1996年获得德国DAAD基金会奖学金并由国家教委公派前往德国留学,1998年获硕士学位并回国工作。所教学生曾在中央音乐学院、全国青少年以及日本的小提琴比


  Prof. Tong is chief of Violin and Viola Teaching and Research Office of middle school attached to Beijing Central Conservatory (BCC). He is an associate professor and the leading player of the String Quartet of BCC.

  Graduated in 1990 from the String Faculty of BCC, he has been retained as a teacher. He has learned the art of violin—playing from many famous violinists, such as prof. Shanxiu Wang, Weimin Hu, Keqiang Sui, Yaoji Lin, and Jorg-wolfgang John. He was the prizewinner of the second addition of National Teen-agers Violin Competition in 1984. In 1996, he was awarded Scholarship of Germany DAAD Founding Association and sent by China’s Education Commission to Germany to study. In 1998, he received Master degree of music and returned home. Many of his students have won awards in violin competitions organized successively by BCC, National Teen-agers and Japan. He was invited by China’s Ministry of Culture in 2001 to be one of the judges for National Teen-agers Violin Competition. During his student life in Germany and teaching career in China, he has regularly given solo performances and taken part in string quartet concerts. He has toured and given performances in France, Israel and former Yugoslavia, where the skill of his performance was highly commented.

  In September 1999, he was involved in reestablishing String Quartet Orchestra of BCC. He then held several concerts successfully. He has cooperated with Hungarian Kodayi String Quartet Orchestra, Bartok String Quartet Orchestra in stage performance, and had refresher training in the Master Class run by violin master Sterner, and cello master Rusitobuvic. He has participated in Beijing International Music Festival and American Mansfield Music Festival and won a tremendous success. He undertook the job of being the judge in November 2003 for the National Adult Violin Competition of “Gold Bell Cup” organized by China’s Music Association .His student Lin Yue won the gold medal in this competition. In the second International Violin Competition of GYEONGNAM in South Korea in November 2004, his student Lin Yue won the fifth place in the competition.

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