良缘到手难推让 准备着身赴高唐
Benevolent fate has led us together, and will not lightly let us go.
Prepare yourself for the bridal chambers.
齐梁词赋 陈隋花柳
In the Southern Dynasties, the pleasures of literature and leisure
reached their apogee,
and scholars cloistered themselves off from the world with their favourites.
青衫偎倚 今番小杜扬州
My beloved’s gentle weight on my shoulder brings to mind that glorious era.
寻思描黛 指点吹箫 从此春入手
I paint her ebony eyebrows, and teach her to hold the flute.
Thus do I let the germ of love mature.
Ah, how I have pined for love.
偏是斜阳迟下楼 刚饮得一杯酒
Now, the sun disappears behind the hills, casting shadows on my now-empty cup.
楼台花颤 帘栊风抖
Flowers quiver in the courtesan’s quarters, the curtain trembles in the wind:
I lean against my beloved, strong and daring.
春情无限 金钗肯与梳头
Our love knows no bounds; for though I am only a lowly courtesan,
I needn’t perform a concubine’s tasks.
闲花添艳 野草生香 消得夫人做
The wildflower displays brighter colours, the untamed herbs
smell sweeter. Though of low birth, still I yearn for noble station.
The quilts are blushing in the lamplight.
见惯司空也应羞 破题儿真难就
For, even though this were an everyday matter, I should still be shy,
let alone the timidity of the very first time.
春宵一刻天长久 人前怎解芙蓉扣
In an amorous night, a moment may stretch to eternity. Though we yearned to
be alone during the feast, we dared not retire behind these lotus curtains,
盼到灯昏玳筵收 宫壶滴尽莲花漏
as the water-clock impatiently brimmed over.
不思想 把话儿轻易讲
Do not speak without careful consideration, or flippantly make
要与他消释灾殃 也提防旁人短长
If you in any way help him to avert the disaster which threatens his
life, you will expose yourself to slander.
平康巷 他能将名节讲
A courtesan too may cherish virtue.
偏是咱学校朝堂 混贤奸不问青黄
Indeed, it is rather we scholars who have ceased to make moral
节和名 非泛常 重和轻 须审详
Virtue and reputation are no common attributes.
Where they are concerned, careful consideration is called for.
旗卷军牙 射潮弩发鲸鲵怕
Banners flutter in the first ranks. A wave of our
arrows would strike fear even in the heart of the leviathan.
操弓试马 鼓角斜阳下
We check our bows and ready our horses. The drumbeats
linger into evening.
七尺昂藏 虎头燕颌如画 莽男儿走遍天涯
With my great height and military prowess, my mighty arm and my leonine
strength, I have ridden to the ends of the earth.
活骑人 飞食肉 风云叱咤
I have no match; even the clouds tremble at my roar.
报国恩 一腔热血挥洒
In order to repay the motherland for her favours, I stand ready to
spill my hot blood.
你看中原豺虎乱如麻 都窥伺龙楼凤阙帝王家
The bandits are roaming the nation, their avaricious eyes fixed on the
imperial palace.
正腾腾杀气 这军粮又早缺乏
And just as upheaval seizes the land, I find myself without provisions
for my men.
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