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试听:迈克尔-波顿《Missing You Now...》

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年10月28日16:57 新浪娱乐
歌名 歌手 试听/欣赏
 试听:迈克尔-波顿《MissingYouNow...》 Missing You Now(featuring Kenny G) 迈克尔·波顿 试听:迈克尔-波顿《MissingYouNow...》


  I talk to you but its not the same as touchin' you

  And every time you whisper my name, I wanna run to you

  We'll be together, it won't be long, it won't be long

  But it feels like forever, and its hard to be strong


  Baby 'cause I'm missing you now

  And its drivin' me crazy

  How I'm needin' you baby

  I'm missing you now

  Can't wait till I'm alone with you

  To show you how I'm missing you now

  Wishin' you were here by my side is all that I can do

  Got my arms around my pillow at night, they should be

  holdin' you

  Thought I was stronger, how could I know, how could

  I know

  I can't take this much longer, its so hard on my soul


  Baby I just can't wait, till I see your face

  Chase away this loneliness inside

  When you're close to my heart, right here in my arms

  Then and only then, will I be satisfied

  I'm missing you now

  We'll be together, it won't be long, it won't be long

  But it feels like forever, and its hard to be strong




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