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http://ent.sina.com.cn 2006年06月27日18:06 新浪娱乐








  我要特别感谢德意志联邦共和国驻华大使沃克尔·斯坦佐博士,出任长城国际音乐夏令营的名誉主席。 我也要感谢辛辛那提大学音乐学院道格拉斯·劳尔院长对我们的鼓励与支持。我还要感谢休斯敦的陶勒斯·斯塔琳基金会,由于他们对夏令营的不断支持使这个梦想诞生并且得以延续。 感谢中国北京的诚信宏业投资顾问有限公司为这个项目推广与宣传所作的不倦努力和出色工作。



  Globalization is not new to the field of classical music. Performers and composers have traveled since the beginning of the profession. In the middle ages, minstrels traveled from town to town providing entertainment and news, Mozart traveled throughout Europe as a prodigy, Dvorak traveled to America and wrote his New World Symphony. Since the mid 20th century, air travel has made the performing arts a worldwide profession - soloists, conductors, chamber music groups, and entire orchestras move easily from one continent to another. Several Asian countries have completed the gigantic leap from consumers of classical music to leaders in the art form.

  The existence of a summer academy and festival for outstanding string talent in China is long overdue - Chinese musicians - talented, well trained, and disciplined - have excelled on the world's stages as well as in Chinese and western music schools for more than 20 years. China's economic progress, the enormous interest in classical music, the magnitude and proliferation of great talents - all make the Great Wall International Music Academy a natural fit.

  I welcome my colleagues from China, other Asian countries, from North America and Europe to this unique encounter of talent. We all share the love of music, the belief in human potential, the passion for learning, and the welfare of young artists.

  I also welcome our guest artists for master classes and concerts. Through their artistry, they bring an important long range perspective to our young talented students.

  My special thanks go to Dr. Volker Stanzel, the German Ambassador to China for assuming the Honorary Chairmanship of the Academy. Douglas Lowry, Dean of the College-Conservatory of Music, for his encouraging support, and to the Dorothy Richard Starling Foundation in Houston. Their continuous support has made this dream become a reality. The Hefeat Investment Co. in Beijing has been a tireless promoter of the project.

  I look forward to welcoming you to the Grand Epoch city in July and August!

  Kurt Sassmannshaus



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