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http://ent.sina.com.cn 2006年04月04日16:35 新浪娱乐









  The many articles and features that glory him in the musical press and on the internet are unanimous: European harmonica virtuoso J.J. Milteau is a matchless player, and his breathtaking technique fills with envy his peers who admire his impeccable taste and praise his seemless playing.

  For all his dazzling virtuosity, JJ is much more than a Paganini of the diatonic. A consequence of his sincere modesty, his sincerity springs up as soon as one hears his studio work or sees him on the stage where he gives vent to his emotions with his inspired playing and high-soaring lyricism. Always attentive to the world around him, JJ is a gifted story-teller whose music echoes impressions and dreams brought home from his travels.

  Born in 1950 in a Parisian working-class family, Milteau spent the "rocking sixties" roaming across the planet, armed with the tiny harmonica he decided to buy after hearing the recordings of obscure, if inspired, blues wailers. The connivance between the man and his instrument was immediate and they’ve stuck together since, through thick and thin. In the long run, this association has been a fruitful one as JJ’s modest "lip ruin" took him from South Africa to the Polar Circle, from Havana to Shanghai, from the Mississippi Delta to the Paris Opera.

  JJ sailed through the seventies sprinkling warm blue notes on dozens of recordings by the cream of French singers before launching a series of personal explorations on record and on the stage. He recorded in 2001 an eponymous album crowned by a Victoire de la Musique — the French equivalent of a Grammy.

  For J.J. Milteau the harmonica is a small key to the entire world.

  2006 年中国巡演节目单



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