主演:迈克-热布洛夫斯基 李敏
1913年秋,身受重伤的波兰苦刑犯沃尔斯基逃到中俄边境,不慎掉入猎户老郭布置的陷阱内。心地善良的老郭将其带回家中疗伤。为避免麻烦,老郭剪掉了女儿郭松的长发,把她打扮成男孩子。在妻子和女儿的悉心照料下,沃尔斯基的伤势逐渐恢复起来。 沃尔斯基身体复原后,陪老郭一起到山林里打猎,和他们一家人相处得非常融洽。尤其是和郭松,两人之间产生了一种微妙的情愫。沃尔斯基帮助郭松干活、教她吹笛子,在一次货物交换时,沃尔斯基意外地得知郭松是女儿身,往日的种种疑虑豁然开朗,沃尔斯基深深地爱上了这个美丽可爱的中国女孩,早已喜欢上这个波兰青年的郭松开心地穿上了母亲当年的嫁衣……老郭发现了女儿的秘密。一天凌晨,他把沃尔斯基带到了通往大海的江道,逼迫他离开此地,伤心的沃尔斯基望着跑来的郭松,泪流满面,无奈地将小船慢慢向江心划去……
Film title in English: Love in the year of Tiger
Film title in Polish: Kochankowie Roku Tygrysa
Director: Jacek Bromski, Wei Zhao Hong
Writer: Jacek Bromski
Starring: Michal Zebrowski, Li Min, Sun Ji Feng, Wu Fen Xia
In the year of 1913, one wounded polish officer Wolski escaped from the Boundary of Russia and China, but he fell into Lao Guo’s trap incautiously, when Lao Guo found him, he took him back home and saved his life. To avoid troubles, Lao Guo cut her daughter’s hair, dressed her up as a boy. Months passed, Wolski are getting well by Lao Guo’s wife and daughter (Guo Song)’s concerned. After healing, Wolski goes hunting with Lao Guo and gets along well with the family. Meanwhile, Wolski has a delicate feeling for Guo Song. He works with her and teaches her fluting. At a good trading, Wolski just knows that actually Guo Song is a girl, everything is enlightened. Wolski is in love with this beautiful Chinese girl, Guo Song also happily worn her mother’s bottom drawer. However Lao Guo found her daughter’s secret, one early morning, he took Wolski to a prepared boat, forced him to leave, Guo Song run over to the river side, but the boat has left for the sea
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相关专题:2008波兰电影展 |