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组图:《美国偶像》八强表演 高潮迭起迷雾重重

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2006年04月12日09:40 新浪娱乐




  新浪娱乐讯 美FOX台本季第五季《美国偶像》(American Idol)八强表演今早刚刚结束。本周主题“皇后乐队的歌”,在经历了乏善可陈的上两周表演之后,今早节目中,八位选手表现都出乎意料的出色,比赛真正进入白热化。

  今早表演,Bucky Covington第一个上台,带来一首“Fat-bottom Girls”。Randy J
ackson认为Bucky为当晚的比赛开了一个好头!Paula表示同意,“非常棒,你表现得非常好!”Simon则难以取悦,“I think the song was bigger than you. Overall I would classify that as quite mediocre.”

  Ace Young演唱的是“We Will Rock You”。Randy只给Ace打了“5到6”分,Paula说,“A little pitchy……I appreciate that you know what time it is in the competition and took a risk.”Simon说,“I really, really hated that……”

  Kellie Pickler演唱的是著名的“Bohemian Rhapsody”。Randy Jackson赞不绝口,“It's a fly jacket and guess what, you know what's even better than that, I think you worked it out!”Paula说,“You worked it out and you showed the rocker chick that you were!”Simon Cowell也点头称赞,“I think it worked, you did good.”

  Chris Daughtry演唱的是“Innuendo”。Randy说,“Dude you definitely did not disappoint, you delivered, baby!”Paula激动到吐词不清……但可以分辨的是,她是在赞扬Chris……Simon说,“They don't perform that song live because it's not a very good song”,“你的声音是非常好的……你应该选一首更好的歌……”

  Katharine演唱的是“Who Wants To Live Forever”。Randy很High,“You did a good job all in all……” Paula说,“You made the right decision to just stand there and be glorious with your glorious voice……”Simon表扬得依然含蓄,“That was almost the moment……Overall I think it was probably one of the strongest tonight”

  Elliott Yamin演唱的是“Somebody To Love”。Randy依然很High,“All in all, I loved you man, I thought it was really, really good!”Paula说,“这是今晚最好的vocal!”Simon说,“Overall I think you probably pulled it off……”

  Taylor Hicks演唱的是“A Crazy Little Thing Called Love”。Randy激动得不行,“Tonight America, Taylor's back, and he's kicking and taking names!”Paula语无伦次,“I don't know whether we should give you a record deal or a straight jacket……”Simon又泼冷水,“Taylor, are you drunk? Because I thought it was ridiculous……”

  Paris当晚压轴登场,演唱的一首“The Show Must Go On”非常应景。Randy说,“Yes, you worked it out, baby.”Paula说,“Keep on rocking!”Simon还是有点“嘴尖舌毒”,“I found it all a little weird……”

  至此,本季《American Idol》八强表演结束,诸位选手绝大部分表现异常出色,比赛真正进入白热化,明早谁会是bottom 3,谁又会被淘汰,现在看来完全是迷雾一团……Bucky第一个上台表演,这个位置在投票中往往占劣势;Kellie表演的“Bohemian Rhapsody”比去年Constantine的演绎精彩程度有过之而无不及,顺利晋级应该不成问题;ChrisTaylor有庞大的粉丝阵容作后盾,而且今晚的表演也都发挥正常,均可高枕无忧;相比之下,只有Ace的表现稍显逊色……就此看来,明早最有可能进入bottom 3的将包括AceBucky,而被淘汰的,应该会是Ace…… chenxin827/文


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