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组图:《美国偶像》七强表演 人人出色近乎完美

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2006年04月19日10:00 新浪娱乐

Chris Paris表演

Taylor Elliott表演

Kellie Ace Katharine表演

  新浪娱乐讯 美FOX台本季《美国偶像》七强表演北京时间今早播出,本集节目中七位选手均发挥出色,从开场Chris一首抒情的“What A Wonderful World”到当晚最后一曲Katharine的“Someone To Watcher Over Me”,可谓高潮迭起惊喜连连,而明早谁将会被淘汰,按照裁判Simon的话来说,就是“(到了比赛现阶段,淘汰)is going to be all about personality……”

  Chris Daughtry当晚第一个上场,演唱的是大家耳熟能详的“What A Wonderful World”。Randy认为Chris表现得不错,展示了他男性柔情的一面;Paula也认为Chris打破了所有大家对他的陈旧认识,“did a fantastic job……”;Simon心情似乎不错,“I thought it was a great performance……”

  Paris Bennett演唱的是“Foolish Things”。Randy说,“I think this was your greatest night ever!”;Paula说,“Tonight's performance reminds me of how we all fell in love with you at your audition……”;Simon实话实说,“You bewilder me, you talk like Minnie Mouse……but yet you sing in this very grown up way……”到这里,难得一向嘴尖舌利的Simon对当晚开场的两个表演都给出了好评,连主持人Ryan都拿此开起了玩笑,“Simon is sipping the happy fuel, ladies and gentleman……”

  Taylor Hicks演唱的是“You Send Me”。Randy大发感慨,“What a difference some different music makes!”;Paula替Taylor高兴,“You are finally in that zone to go the distance!”。Simon依然赞得含蓄,“It started and I thought ok lame cabaret and then magic……”

  Elliott Yamin演唱的是“It Had To Be You”。Randy非常欣赏Elliott的选曲;Paul表示同意。Simon则替Elliott“担忧”,“Elliott, it was a good vocal, however, tonight more than any other night, personality is going to play a key role, I thought the performance lacked a degree of personality……”

  Kellie Pickler演唱的是“Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered”。表演结束后,还没等裁判开口,Kellie自己首先“认错”,“I butchered it……”Randy同意Kellie的表演确有瑕疵,“Yeah, it was definitely pitchy in spots”;Paula这次没有做作地故意要粉饰,“You started getting ahead of the music toward the end……”。Simon当然不会让人“失望”,直言不讳道,“The truth was it was a boring song……”

  难得一见、全新发型束起头发的Ace Young上台演唱的是“That's All”。Randy说,“You worked it out in the end……”;Paula则认为Ace表现得非常出色,“It's a whole new Ace in a different light!”。与前几周的表现相比,Ace今晚的确惊艳,Simon的好评也是个好的证明,“I thought it was a charming performance!”

  最后一个上场的是Katharine McPhee,她演唱的是“Someone To Watch Over Me”。Randy说,“This is your element!”;Paula说,“This reminds me of Mr. Holland’s Opus……”。Simon给出了当晚最高评价,“I really think, Katharine, you made the others look like good amateurs. It was in a completely and utterly different league.”

  至此,本季《American Idol》七强表演结束,四男三女七位选手都表现得异常出色。相比之下,似乎只有Kellie得到了裁判的“劣评”,但正如Simon所说的,明早的淘汰,将会是一场“personality”的比赛,一场观众缘的比赛,所以Kellie获得的“劣评”可能将毫不重要。如果非要预测明早bottom 3,Ace、Elliott、Paris都将是可能性最高的人选。 chenxin827/文


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