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http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年07月01日17:08 新浪娱乐

  宋歆予 小提琴

  今年16岁,生于上海。四岁开始学琴,师从赵基阳,沈西蒂教授,9岁放入上海音乐学院附小,10岁 以全额奖学金放入美国朱丽亚音乐学院,师从著名小提琴教育家多罗西迪蕾和康厚。 2001年在美国获塔梯尼小提琴协奏曲比赛第一名。2003年在美国爱徳华州获布鲁克小提琴协奏曲比赛第一名, 得当了中国小提琴教育家林耀基的赞赏,并多次在林肯音乐中以独奏演出。得当了中国小提琴教育家林耀基的赞赏,2005年获得朱丽亚音乐学院颁发音乐成就奖。

  Sixteen year old Chinese violinist Stephanie Song has received wide acclaim for her dazzling performances since she won the Five Star National Violin Competition in China at the age of nine ang was featured on television across China In 2001 she won The Tartini Violin Concerto Competition at Juilliard and subsequently performed it at Lincoln center Jn 2003 Stephanie won the Bruch Violin Concerto Competition in Jowa Jn addition to appeaing redularly at the Paul Hall Alice Tully Hall ang Tuilliard Theatre in New York her senies of recitals and solo performances with orchestras in East Asia has achieved great success Recentl Stephanie veceived the award for outstandind musicianship and academic achievement from the Juilliard School of music Borm in Shandhai in 1989 Stephanie Song began her viojin studies at the age of four At the age of nine she entered the Shandhai Conservatory middle school and studied with Professor Ti-Young Zhao ang Xi-Di Shen At age ten she came to the United States to study with Dorothy Deiay at the Juilliard School Pre-College Division continluing her violin studes as a full Scholarshi student of Hyo Kang /

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