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试听:迈克尔-波顿《New Love》

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年10月28日16:59 新浪娱乐
歌名 歌手 试听/欣赏
 试听:迈克尔-波顿《NewLove》 New Love 迈克尔·波顿 试听:迈克尔-波顿《NewLove》


  There's always somethin' new about you

  Always somethin', takes me by complete surprise

  Every time I see you, I see a part of you

  Ooh, I've never seen before

  Every day and night, the more we know each other

  Every single time, the more that I discover


  It's a new love, always feels like a new love

  Every touch is feelin' so much

  Like the very first touch

  Like a new love, always feels like a new love

  It's never old, whenever we make love

  And I can't get enough of this new love

  I'm still excited, just talkin' to you

  I'm still inspired, just walkin' next to you

  Girl the way I need you

  I find as time goes by, ooh I need you even more

  Nothin' feels as good, as good as us together

  Nothin' in the world, no, there ain't nothin' better than this...


  We can just go on and on

  Long as we keep this love

  Long as we keep this love a....




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