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class Chanson chanteuse-Patricia Kaas

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年04月25日14:06 新浪娱乐

  Date: May 15th 2005

  Venue: Great Hall of the People


  As a chanson chanteuse, Patricia Kaas’ achievement could be mentioned together with Celine Dion’s. Before Celine Dion becomes popular, Chanson chanteuse has made her mark on the world musical world with her French music, and achieves great success. She is viewed as Madonna of Europe. She has sold worldwide the most albums more than 15 million, and finished over 800 world tour concerts.

  Patricia Kass deducts her music which combines the elements of pop, blue and jazz with her unique voice. She conquers a huge number of fans with her beautiful music, graceful and charming stature and her hot body movements.

  Patricia Kass was awarded French Grammy Award in 1988, her first album “Mademoiselle Chante...” won platinum album. Patricia Kass was specifically awarded French music award “Victoire de la musique”, Morocco world music award“annual best singer”,“annual best album”,“most popular French singer on abroad” in the running several years.

  Patricia Kass is not only a top singer in France in the 1990s, but also one of the most popular French singers all over the world.

  On the night of May 15th 2005, as representative figure of French chanson culture, who brings worldwide influence, Patricia Kaas would bring Chinese people a real great event of French music. She would appear in Great Hall of the People with her hot and driving rhythm music. Don’t miss this great show.

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