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http://ent.sina.com.cn 2006年08月29日16:36 新浪娱乐



  如果要评选当今国际乐坛10位最伟大的钢琴家,毛里奇奥·波利尼(Maurizio Pollini)一定榜上有名。波利尼1942年出生在米兰。父亲是意大利著名建筑师,也是一位音乐素养颇高的出色小提琴手;母亲是一位业余歌唱家。






  Maurizio Pollini

  Maurizio Pollini was born in 1942 in Milan, the son of the Italian rationalist architect Gino Pollini. He studied the piano with Carlo Lonati, until the age of 9,then studied composition and conducting with Carlo Vidusso at the Milan Conservatory. By 1957, when he performed the Chopin Etudes in Milan, the press had already begun to take notice of him. In 1959, he received a diploma from the Milan Conservatory. His prize-winning performance at the 1960 Warsaw Chopin Competition was followed by a further period of study, this time with Arturo Benedetti-Michelangeli. Since the mid-1960s, Maurizio Pollini has given recitals and appeared with major orchestras in Europe, the USA and the Far East. He made his American debut in 1968, undertook his first tour of Japan in 1974, and today still performs regularly at the world's great international music festivals.

  Regarded as one of the greatest pianists of the day, he is especially noted for his performances of Chopin and modern composers such as Pierre Boulez. He displays an absolute technical sovereignty over the piano, but is sometimes criticized for his emotional conservatism.

  Maurizio Pollini has been a regular guest artist of music centers in Europe, America, and Japan, where he has performed with numerous orchestras under the direction of such conductors as Karl Böhm, Claudio Abbado, and Riccardo Muti. Mr. Pollini regularly tours the United States, Europe, and Asia with performances in Boston, Chicago, London, New York, Paris, Salzburg, and Vienna.

  Mr. Pollini’s repertoire ranges from Bach to the most daring contemporary music and includes the cycle of the complete Beethoven sonatas. In 1987, he was presented the Vienna Philharmonic’s Honorary Ring for his performances of the complete Beethoven piano concertos.

  Pollini has conducted both opera and orchestral music, sometimes leading the orchestra from the keyboard in concertos.



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