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http://ent.sina.com.cn 2006年03月29日19:20 新浪娱乐


  下楼下楼三更夜 红灯满路辉

  I descend the tower in the deepest night, red lanterns

  lighting my way.

  出户出户寒风起 看花未必归

  Outside the gates, the cold wind blows; who knows but that I

  shall never return.

  舍了笙歌队 今夜伴阿谁

  I bid farewell to our house of mirth,

  knowing tonight I shall sleep by a stranger.


  寒风料峭透冰绡 香炉懒去烧

  The freezing wind chills me through my vestments, but I can't summon

  the effort even to light the incense.

  血痕一缕在眉梢 胭脂红让娇

  The scar marks my eyebrows, redder than any blush.

  孤影怯 弱魂飘 春丝命一条

  Alone and melancholy, my weak spirit adrift,

  my fate fragile as a silken thread.

  满楼霜月夜迢迢 天明恨不消

  The tower stands in the moonlit frost, the hour that ends the night

  yet distant. But even the dawn shall bring no respite.

  孤身只影 卧病空楼 冷帐寒衾 好生凄凉

  Lonely as a shade, I lie in an empty building,

  the sheets and linen unwarmed. What misery!


  叫奴家揉开云髻 折损宫腰

  My hair has long gone uncoiled, my slender waist grows slenderer still.

  睡昏昏似妃葬坡平 血淋淋似妾堕楼高

  Will I be forced to end my life by my own hand?

  Or shall I fall to some death beneath my window?

  怕旁人呼号 舍着俺软丢答的 魂灵没人招

  While others have their companions, only I am left

  without a kindred spirit.

  银镜里朱霞残照 鸳枕上红泪春潮

  In the silver mirror, I can see the carmine wounds disfiguring me.

  On the pillow, blood and tears mingle.

  恨在心苗 愁在眉梢 洗了胭脂 浣了鲛绡

  Regret in the heart, sorrow in the soul, I have washed off my blush

  and rinsed out my handkerchief.


  莺喉歇了南北套 冰弦住了陈隋调

  My voice will bring forth no melodies. Let the strings of the ancient

  instruments rest.

  唇底罢吹箫 笛儿丢 笙儿坏 板儿掠

  For my lips will not blow the flute, the reed organ is cracked, I have

  split the wooden clappers.

  只愿扇儿寄去的速 师父束装得早

  My only hope is that Su Kunsheng will speed his way

  and bring the fan soon to my beloved's hands.

  三月三刘郎到了 携手儿下妆楼 桃花粥吃个饱

  If he returns in April, I will at last descend these stairs,

  and we will celebrate by supping on peach-blossom ambrosia.


  堂堂列公 半边南朝 望你峥嵘

  With all these important officials here, half the imperial court is

  assembled. The nation looks to you for its salvation.

  出身希贵宠 创业选声容

  Your positions are high but you seek nothing but wealth and power. You occupy

  yourself only with the selection of girls to garner favour with the emperor.


  Forgetting the nation’s welfare, you spend your days in comfort and diversion.

  把俺胡撮弄 对寒风雪海冰山 苦陪觞咏

  Can you bear to order me about, considering the hardships that I bear,

  and ask me to accompany you in your drinking and merriment?


  东林伯仲 俺青楼皆知敬重

  When speaking of an honest official, courtesans know very well how to

  demonstrate respect.

  干儿义子从新用 绝不了魏家种

  But you are continuing the awful legacy of the eunuch's clique.


  想起那拆鸳鸯 离魂惨

  When I recall our separation, my battered spirit fleets.

  隔云山 相思苦 会期难

  Behind the mist-shrouded mountains, he too pines for me;

  but reunion is only a distant hope.

  倩人寄扇 擦损桃花

  The fan is dispatched to him, its blossoms dyed with the blood from my wounds.

  到今日情丝割断 芳草天涯

  We were rent apart; and now my lover errs in the lands of horizon.

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