寻遍 立东风渐午天
Searching, I stand in the spring wind, in the slow
approach of noon.
Where, now, can I find her again?看纸破窗棂 纱裂帘幔
The lattices are broken, the satin sheets torn.
裹残罗帕 戴过花钿 旧笙箫无一件
No trace of her; no worn silk handkerchief, no hairpin,
nor even the echo of the reed organs that once resounded here.
红鸳衾尽卷 翠菱花放扁
The carmine quilts have been rolled away, and even the mirrors are empty.
锁寒烟 好花枝不照丽人眠
Amid the mist, the flowers find no sleeping maidens to adorn.
皇天列圣 高高呼不省
No matter how I call out to the past emperors, they have made no response.
阑珊残局 剩俺支撑 奈人心俱瓦崩
How bitterly it ends; I alone remain to support the empire, now that
all others have proven fickle.
协力少良朋 同心无弟兄
There are none who would join me; no comrades-in-arms.
这江山倒像设着筵席请 哭声祖宗 哭声百姓
Now, the land is set out for our ravenous enemies to feast on.
Woe to our ancestors, woe to the people!
哭的俺一腔血 作泪零
I shed tears of blood.
望烽烟 杀气重
The beacon fires flicker, and the smell of slaughter hangs in the air.
扬州沸喧 生灵尽席卷
Yangzhou is at a boil, the populace held hostage to disorder.
My stubborn loyalty means a refusal to retreat. It is a strategy sure to
bring about a massacre.
兵和将 力竭气喘
As I speak, soldiers and generals both engage in their vain but
valorous struggle.
萧然 美人去远
Desolate I wander, distant my only beloved.
重门锁 云山万千 知情只有闲莺燕
Daunting the walls between us,these thousand, ten thousand, mountains.
Only the faithful oriole knows my heart.
尽着狂 尽着颠
-All is madness
-All is folly
-Cannot the oriole bring news of my love?
熬煎 才待转
Sorrow! I return to my lonely abode.
What girl is that, who, tender like a bud on the branch, reclines on the
How cruel the day of our parting!
In old stories, the magpies formed bridges to let lovers meet for
their trysts,
墙高更比天际高 书难捎
but the walls which divided us were higher than the sky,far too high
to be crossed by letters.
梦空劳 情无了 出来路儿越迢遥
-Our dreams were vain, and love was quickly fleeting.
-Oh, the winding ways we travelled!
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