![](http://image2.sina.com.cn/home/c.gif) 《六人行》容易被忽略之处 眼尖的你注意到了吗 点击此处查看全部娱乐图片
* Carol's OB/GYN was named Dr. Oberman. The young obstetrician that Phoebe yelled at until he started to cry, was also named Dr. Oberman.
* Phoebe calls her self Filange in two season finale's after each other. The first Filange is Ross's doctor and the second one is a business woman.
补充:Phoebe在(501,524,720,804,821)五次用了“Regina Phalange”这个名字。(by pinkie)
* Ross has had both a bachelor party and a wedding dinner at Pizza Hut.
* Ross has dated two women named Elizabeth. One in season five and one in season six.
* Chandler and Monica's anniversary is May 7th.
* Monica seems destined to have the initials MGB. If she had married Richard her last name would have been Burke, if she had married Pete it would have been Becker and now that she's marrying Chandler it's going to be Bing.
* Phoebe is left handed.
* I know that the "friends" have HUGE wardrobes and rarely wear anything twice, but the shirt that Matt Le Blanc is wearing in the new years eve scene in The One With all the Resolutions is the same one he wears talking to Rachel in his apartment in The one that Could have been.
《六人行》剧组服装甚多,很少将一件衣服穿两次。但在TOW all the Resolutions里,Joey在新年夜穿的衬衫,曾经出现在The one that Could have been里,他穿着那件衬衫在自己家中同瑞秋交谈。
Lots of Episodes
* Ross said in "TOW Old Yeller Dies" that he would like to name his daughter Emily. Then he marries a woman named Emily. In "TOW the Sonogram In The End" he wants to name his child Julia if it's a she, and later he dates a girl named Julie. Kind of a weird coincidence, huh?
在"TOW Old Yeller Dies"里,罗斯说他要给他女儿取名Emily;后来他就约会了叫Emily的女人;
在"TOW the Sonogram In The End"里,他说如果生女儿,就叫Julia;后来他果然又和Julie好上了。
* There is a cookie jar next to the fridge in Monica's apartment, which has the words "COOKIE TIME" on it. A lot of people confuse this jar with a clock and wonder why the clock hands never move. That's why it's a cookie jar!
莫妮卡房间的冰箱旁边有个饼干罐子,上写“COOKIE TIME”字样。
* Central Perk Menu Cappuccino, Espresso, Cafe au Lait, Swiss Latte, Mochachino, Central Jolt Java, N.Y. Classico, Urban Tribe Java, Manhattan Mocha, Long Island Cream, Empire Roast, Ms. Liberty Blend.
Cappuccino, Espresso, Cafe au Lait, Swiss Latte, Mochachino, Central Jolt Java, N.Y. Classico, Urban Tribe Java, Manhattan Mocha, Long Island Cream, Empire Roast, Ms. Liberty Blend.
* I've read many fanfics about this, and heard many speculations about it. The "extra" door in Monica's apartment. The one by the bathroom. But somewhere around TOW the Boobies that door is open. It's a closet.
在TOW the Boobies里,那扇门打开了,原来那是储藏室。
* Note how the color on Ross's walls changes. I think they start out blue or green, but in "TO in Vegas" they're the exact same style and everything, only RED.
罗斯家的墙壁换了颜色。开始是蓝或绿色的,在"TO in Vegas"那一集里,风格什么的都没换,但变成了红色。
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