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《六人行》容易被忽略之处 眼尖的你注意到了吗(2)

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年08月16日19:38 新浪娱乐

  * The waitress in the pilot who is told by Monica to bring some decaff coffee to Rachel plays Isaac's sister Jasmine (who's also Phoebe's colleague) later on in the show.



  TOW the Blackout

  * Chandler's account number 7143457

  钱德的银行帐号为: 7143457

  * The ATM vestibule Chandler was trapped in with Jill Goodacre was at Emerson Bank.

  钱德和Jill Goodacre被困的ATM大厅,属于Emerson银行。


  TOW the Birth

  * Carol's and Lydia's nurse when she's having her baby is Estelle.

  卡萝和Lydia的接生护士,后来转行当了Joey的经济人,Estelle ^^


  TOW the Breast Milk

  * The outfit Monica wore at Central Perk when Rachel was mad at her is almost exactly like the one Gale Weathers wore in her first scene from "Scream 2".

  莫妮卡在咖啡馆里对瑞秋发火,当时她穿的外套跟《惊声尖叫》里Gale Weathers初次亮相时穿的衣服几乎一模一样。


  TOW the Superbowl Pt 2

  * Ross had to spent the evening with Marcel, but al the last moment the monkey has to work, so he goes to dinner with Chandler, Susie, Joey and the Director Assistant. Guess the name of the restaurant! You can read it on the menus, it's named MARCEL'S!!!





  TOW the List

  * There's a mountain bike in the guys' apartment.



  TOW Russ

  * You can note that in TOW Russ, Monica orders a scotch on the rocks with a twist, which we later learn is her favourite drink.

  这一集里莫妮卡点了一杯鸡尾酒:scotch加冰块加柠檬 ,后来我们知道这是她最喜欢的饮品。


  TOW Eddie Moves In

  * In the end you can see that Monica is playing with Chandler's hand at Central Perk. Kind of cute if you're a C&M fan.


  如果你是C&M fan的话,一定要看看哦。


  TOW Frank Jr

  * Ross, Rachel, and Chandler's list of celebrities:

  ROSS: Uma Thurman, Winona Ryder, Elizabeth Hurley, Michelle Pfeiffer, Dorothy Hamill.

  RACHEL: Chris O'Donnell, John F. Kennedy Jr, Daniel Day Lewis, Sting, Parker Stevenson.

  CHANDLER: Kim Basinger, Cindy Crawford, Halle Berry, Yasmine Bleeth and Jessica Rabbit.


  罗斯:乌玛·瑟曼, 薇诺娜·瑞德 , 伊丽莎白·赫莉, 蜜雪儿·菲佛, 杜莉菲希美(奥运女子溜冰金牌得主)

  瑞秋:基斯·奥当奴(蝙蝠侠), 小约翰甘乃迪, 丹尼尔·戴·路易丝, 斯汀(英国老牌摇滚歌手), Parker Stevenson(男演员,hardy boy,Baywatch)

  钱德:金·贝辛格, 辛迪克劳佛, 哈利贝里(今届奥斯卡最佳女演员), 亚思敏·布里兹(电视女星)和洁西卡(罗杰兔的女友)


  TOW the Football

  * When Ross and Monica fights over the football in the end, Ross actually bites her to make her let go.



  TOW all the Jealousy

  * We find out that Rachel is scared of turtles.



  TOW Phoebe's ExPartner

  * Phoebe sings a song about a sticky shoe. In "TOW Joey's New Girlfriend" she sings another song about a sticky shoe.

  这集里菲比唱了首讲“粘鞋子”的歌。在"TOW Joey's New Girlfriend"里她唱了另一首关于“粘鞋子”的歌。


  TO Without The Ski Trip

  * It's funny that Joey and Chandler get Chinese food all the time and Joey still doesn't know how to eat with chopsticks, as seen in "TOW the Ski Trip".


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