影音娱乐 新浪首页 > 影音娱乐 > 北京长城国际音乐夏令营专题 >正文


http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年07月01日16:56 新浪娱乐



  五岁开始学习小提琴,之后进入四川音乐学院附属高中并升入四川音乐学院管弦系本科,跟随胡惟民教授。2001年获得美国辛辛那提音乐学院全额奖学金赴美攻读硕士研究生,师从辛辛那提音乐学院弦乐系主任Kurt Sassmannshaus教授学习小提琴演奏和教学。在美期间曾多次参加各种国际音乐节活动,举办过独奏音乐会和参加乐队的演出。2004年获得硕

  Yan Sizhi

  She now teaches in String Faculty of China’s Sichuan Provincial Conservatory (SPC). Started to learn violin playing at the age of five, she first received formal training in the senior higher school attached to SPC, then in the String Faculty of SPC, under the tutorship of prof. Hu Weimin. In 2001, she received full scholarship from Cincinnati Conservatory (CC) and studied for master of music under the tutorship of prof. Kurt Sassmsnnshaus, chief of String Faculty of CC. During her stay in America, she has participated in various activities of international music festivals, solo performance and joining the other artists in orchestra performance on stage. In 2004, she returned with master of music to China to be a teacher of violin.

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