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学生Charles Yang杨阳简介(附图)

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年07月01日17:08 新浪娱乐


  今年16岁,从小跟随妈妈学习小提琴。从小到现在已经多次在各种小提琴比赛中获得第一名以及第二名。自从1999年他第一次出现在中国的电视节目专访中,到目前他已经以独奏者的身份多次与很多交响乐团合作同台演出,其中包括奥斯玎交响乐团,辛辛那提芭蕾,丝塔琳室内乐团等等。他还多次出现在当地的报纸上,并曾经以青年艺术家嘉宾的身份参加了哈佛大学教师俱乐部的音乐会演出。2001年的夏天他作为全额奖学金获得者参加阿斯本音乐节,跟随朱利亚音乐学院的迪蕾女士和Kurt Sassmannshaus教授学习。现在除了定期飞到辛辛那提跟Kurt教授上课之外,他在当地跟随德克萨斯大学的Brian Lewis教授学习。

  Sixteen year-old Charles Yang, a student at Westlake High School in Austin, began studying the violin with his mother. His honors and awards include grand prize at the first Asian American Young Musicians Challenge Cup, first prize of Austin Symphony Orchestra's Youth Award, first prize of the 2004 Lennox International Young Artist Competition, and most recently, 2nd place of the 45th Sorantin International Young Artist Competition and 36th National Young Artist Competition respectively, and designation as a Cultural Leader and Applied Materials Young Master. Since his 1999 debut in China on the televised program A Gala Evening with Cliarles Yang, diaries has performed as a soloist with Austin Symphony Orchestra, Flint Symphony, Richardson Symphony

  Orchestra, Mid-Texas Symphony Orchestra, Cincinnati Ballet, and has been a frequent feature soloist with the Starling Chamber Orchestra in concerts in Aspen, Cincinnati, Munich, Vienna and St. Petersburg. Yang also has performed as a soloist for the National

  Public Radio show From the Top, and was invited to represent From the Top as young artist at Harvard University's Faculty Club in "the Greatest Fifteen-minute Concert in the World" in November 2002, and in Britney Spears' Camp in Cape Cod in August 2003. In the summer of 2001, diaries was accepted to the Aspen Music Festival and School as a student of Dorothy DeLay and Kurt Sassmannshaus, and has been a New Horizon Fellowship student of Professor Sassmannshaus. Currently, Yang studies with two violin teachers. He commutes to the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music regularly to study with Professor Sassmansliaus and perform with Starling Chamber Orchestra. Locally he studies with Professor Brian Lewis of the University of Texas at Austin School of Music.

  Yang has been featured in Austin American Statesman, Picayune,

  Fortissimo, Shenzhen Daily, Shaumburger Nachrichten, Dallas Daily.

  You may also catch him in Spy Kids II.

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