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学生Tessa Lark Frederick简介(附图)

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年07月01日17:08 新浪娱乐



  今年15岁,来自美国肯德基州。6岁开始学习小提琴,11岁加入辛辛那提音乐学院的丝塔琳弦乐预科班跟随Kurt Sassmannshaus教授学习。在丝塔琳预科班学习期间,她曾参加了丝塔琳弦乐队到中国,俄罗斯和欧洲的访问演出,并担任过乐队首席小提琴和独奏。她也作为独奏者参加录制了老师Kurt教授的个人小提琴教学网站 www.violinmasterclass.com 。除了古典音乐的学习,她还非常喜欢和擅长演奏一些流行音乐,爱尔兰提琴,并和流行乐队合作出版了唱片。

  Tessa, age 15, is a native of Richmond, Kentucky. She began violin studies at age 6 with Cathy McGlasson. At age 11 she joined the Starling Preparatory String Project at the University of Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music and began studying with Kurt Sassmannshaus. With the Starling Strings Orchestra, Tessa has traveled on performance tours to China and has been the concertmaster and soloist for Starling tours in Europe and Russia.

  Tessa has had numerous performance opportunities ranging from casual events to formal concerts. She is one of the featured soloists on the website, ViolinMasterclass.com. In February 2005, Tessa was the soloist for the world premiere of Tim O'Neill's composition for string orchestra, violin, guitar and narrator, Johnny Appleseed, an American Folk tale.

  In addition to her classical music background, Tessa has grown up playing fiddle music of various genres such as Bluegrass, Irish and Nova Scotian. As a fiddler, she has won fiddle contests, played violin with the gospel bluegrass band. Narrow Road and has appeared with them on several television shows and on two of their CD's.

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