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http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年10月24日18:06 新浪娱乐



  In the remote east, a beautiful girl is wandering along the picturesque la
ke and picking beautiful flowers. Suddenly, a large eagle swoops to the beautiful girl, takes her under its wings flying to the sky and turns her into a beautiful swan with his evil spell.




  Act I

  In a European kingdom, a charming princess is having a sweet dream, in which he saw a lovely swan princess flying above the sky over a beautiful lake. Suddenly the girl disappears and he wakes up with great disappointment. He decides to find his dream lover and sets out on his journey without delay. Crossing mountains and oceans, the prince finally gets to the wonderland in his dream – China.




  Act II

  The Prince boats to the fantastic forest and lakeside which is exactly the same in his dream. The swan princess appears and meets him and both are happy to find each other. They dance with great grace, accompanied by a group of swans swimming around. Suddenly, the eagle approaches and breaks all the sweetness. He takes away the swan girl and the prince has to chase again.



  Act Ⅲ

  Eagle induces the prince to its cave, presenting him a black swan in order to stop him finding white one. The prince mistakes the black swan as his lover and dance with her. Eagle guffaws and points to the white swan in the sky, challenging him to save his poor beloved. The prince finally loses his temper and determines to save his lover at any expense.



  Act Ⅳ

  The heart-broken white swan goes back to the lakeside. She tells all the fellow swans that her prince betrayed her and would marry the black swan. At that time, the angry eagle swoops from the sky and drives away all the swans. Prince fights with the eagle and snaps its wings with his wisdom. Finally, he wins over the eagle and saves all swans. Swans turn into beautiful girls, among whom the prince finds his beloved one. Trees alongside lake seem to understand their love and blooms many colorful flowers. In the scene full of the Chinese color of red, the prince marries his bride -- white swan.


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