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试听:迈克尔-波顿《Now That I Found You》

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年10月28日17:03 新浪娱乐
歌名 歌手 试听/欣赏
 试听:迈克尔-波顿《NowThatIFoundYou》 Now That I Found You 迈克尔·波顿 试听:迈克尔-波顿《NowThatIFoundYou》


  I can still remember

  When all I had was time

  A time when I had nothin'

  But this empty heart of mine

  When I needed inspiration

  When the night was all I knew

  You were the light shinin' into my life

  The reason for all the love I'm feelin'


  Now that I've found you

  I don't know how I lived without you

  I don't know how I survived without your love

  Now that I've found you

  I only know I'd be lost without you

  I found the love

  That I'll never find again

  'Cause all I ever needed

  And all I ever wanted

  Has come true

  I found it all now that I've found you

  I could've searched forever

  And never realized

  The treasure of a lifetime

  Was the love inside your eyes

  When I reach for inspiration

  In your touch, it's always there

  Givin' me faith every step of the way

  Givin' me all I ever needed


  And every step of the way

  Gonna dedicate my heart to you

  Promise you my world forever

  Pledgin' my love my whole life through



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