
李金星曾师从多位名师,在柏林有G-普赫尔特, 在巴黎有J-卡钦,M-塔格利亚菲罗。1963年, 他在纽约卡内基音乐厅首演, 1969年, 在伦敦基格莫尔音乐厅演出。 从此李教授在亚洲、殴洲、北美和澳洲开音乐会, 演奏独奏和室内乐具有很高的国际声誉。他曾与许多著名演奏家合作演出,澳大利亚和加拿大的广播公司及亚洲和欧洲的电台和电视台都播
李教授自1971年担任温哥华音乐学院钢琴系的主任及英属哥伦比亚大学钢琴系教授。自1985年, 他是北京中央音乐学院的客座教授。他的很多学生在国内和国际比赛中获奖并活跃在音乐舞台上。 20多年来,他在荷兰,波兰,法国,比利时,意大利,日本,中国,美国和加拿大等多所音乐院校中举办过音乐大师班并担任客座教授。他经常参加一些国际性的音乐节,其中有菏兰、波兰,法国、比利时、意大利、日本、中国、美国和加拿大。
Lee Kum-Sing
Lee Kum-Sing studied with Gerhard Puchelt in Berlin and with Julius Katchen and Magda Tagliaferro in Paris. He debuted in New York’s Carnegie Hall in 1963 and in London’s Wigmore Hall in 1969 and has since received international acclaim as a soloist and in chamber music in Asia, Europe, North America and Australia. He has collaborated in concerts with leading artists such as Ch-Liang Lin, Alfredo Campoli, Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi, Rivka Golani and Kim Borg and has been featured with the BBC, ABC(Auastralian) and CBC (Canadian), and other Asian and European radio and television recordings.
Since 1971, Prof. Lee has been Head of Vancouver Academy of Music’s Piano Department faculty at the B.C.(Canada). Since 1985, he has been Visiting Professor to the Beijing Conservatory of Music. Many of the students have been prizewinners in major national and international competitions and are now actively concertizing and recording. For over 20 years, Prof. Lee has been conducting master classes and has been on the faculty at international summer schools and festivals in Holland, Poland, France, Belgium, Italy, Japan, China, U.S.A. and Canada.
Prof. Lee sits on the jury of international competitions, including Chopin (Warsaw), Queen Elisabeth, China (Beijing, Rachmaninov (Moscow), Gina Bachauer and Dublin.