赵式芝同性婚后桃花不断 自曝收淫秽情书

2012年11月30日11:05  新浪娱乐 微博
赵式芝与同性伴侣杨如芯 赵式芝与同性伴侣杨如芯

  新浪娱乐讯 据香港媒体报道,名媛赵式芝与杨如芯之前已经举行过同性婚礼。而她的富豪老爸赵世曾公开表示反对,之前还搞了个5亿招婿,一时间成为大家茶余饭后热议的话题。虽然没有理会这件事,不过,赵式芝在其个人facebook上透露时隔2个月,她还收到应征者的情书。有意思的是,她还特意晒出了一位夏威夷男士给她的“淫秽情书”。

视频:赵式芝杨如芯预演婚礼发表爱的承诺 媒体来源:新浪娱乐


  Wow, I am impressed that, after 2 months, I'm still receiving love letters. This one, from Edward in Hawaii who writes me poems everyday, I particularly found amusing: (subject is)

  If you marry a……

  Doctor, all he does is examine it

  Lawyer, all he does is to defend it

  Mechanic, he will tear it up the first night

  and every night, he will try to put it back together

  You are the Pilot, I am Your Mechanic

  and if,

  I marry an Architect,

  she guarantees an erection。”


(责编: 山水)


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