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试听:迈克尔-波顿《Stand up for Love》

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年10月28日17:13 新浪娱乐
歌名 歌手 试听/欣赏
 试听:迈克尔-波顿《StandupforLove》 Stand up for Love 迈克尔·波顿 试听:迈克尔-波顿《StandupforLove》


  Baby, we've been in and out of love so many times

  We keep reaching the end of the line

  And giving up on each other

  And darling, I don't think we can survive one

  more good-bye

  Can't cry one more tear or lie one more lie

  We got one last chance to make it

  But that's all we need if we just take it


  Baby, we gotta stand up for love

  Gotta hold on

  'Cause I know what we got is worth

  fighting for

  And I know for sure, right or wrong

  This is where we belong

  Baby, this time we gotta stand up for love

  Stand together

  Can't settle for less than forever

  I know there's nothing we can't rise above

  If we just stand up for love

  Baby, after everything we put each other


  And no matter what damage we do

  We still need one another

  And sometimes when I hold you in my arms

  somehow I see

  As bad as we've been that's how good we can be

  But we can't just say we want it

  Gotta lay all our tomorrows on it


  For all the dues we've paid

  The magic we two have made

  For all we've meant to one another

  Once and for all we've gotta stand up

  for each other

  Baby, we gotta stand up for love

  Gotta hold on

  'Cause we know what we got is worth

  fighting for

  And we know for sure, right or wrong

  Baby, this time we gotta stand up for love

  Now or never

  Can't settle for less than forever

  I know there's nothing we can't rise above

  If we just stand up for love



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