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中国爱乐乐团 中国爱乐乐团是在中国广播交响乐团基础上组建的国家级交响乐团, 成立于2000年5月25日,直属于中国广播电影电视总局。余隆担任艺术总监和首席指挥。乐团以推动中国的交响乐事业为使命,确立了“国内一流、亚洲前列、世界著名”的发展目标。 2000年12月16日,中国爱乐乐团在艺术总监余隆指挥下,在北京举行了隆重的首演音乐会,获得巨大成功。中国爱乐乐团迄今已完成了四个音乐季,举行了大量音乐会,演奏了众多中外交响音乐名作。2001年9月至2002年7月,中国爱乐乐团举行了第一个音乐季,演出了内容丰
富、形式多样的音乐作品,其中包括当代作曲大师菲利普·格拉斯大提琴协奏曲的世界首演、马勒的《大地之歌》、柏辽兹的《浮士德的沉沦》以及乐团委约创作的京剧交响乐《杨门女将》等。2002年10月,在余隆指挥下,中国爱乐乐团与八百余名中外音乐家一道,完成了马勒第八《千人》交响曲的中国首演,成为中国当代乐坛具有历史性意义的演出盛事。2002-2003音乐季最引人瞩目的演出还包括 “不朽的贝多芬”系列音乐会,在艺术总监余隆等多位指挥家的指挥下,与来自国内外的优秀音乐家合作,在九场音乐会上演奏了贝多芬的全部交响曲、协奏曲和大部分序曲,给听众留下极为深刻的印象,尤其是余隆指挥下的乐团对贝多芬第九《合唱》交响曲的雄浑阐释令人信服地证明,中国爱乐乐团已跻身于亚洲最优秀的交响乐团之列。在2003-2004音乐季中,中国爱乐乐团完成了跨越三个音乐季的庞大音乐工程——将马勒的全部交响曲呈现给了中国听众,并以一系列德沃夏克作品专场音乐会纪念这位伟大作曲家逝世一百周年。除此之外,乐团成功演出了歌剧《卡门》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,显示出其作为艺术全能性乐团所具有的水准。 中国爱乐乐团由余隆率领在国内外进行了广泛巡演。2001年9月,乐团赴台湾地区,在台北、新竹、台中和高雄举行了音乐会。2002年6月,乐团赴中北美洲巡回演出,在波多黎各的卡萨尔斯音乐节上,分别由余隆和乐团首席客座指挥、著名作曲家克里斯托夫·潘德列茨基指挥了两场音乐会,随后又在圣何塞和洛杉矶等地进行了美国西海岸巡演,获得巨大成功。同年9月,余隆率乐团赴日本和韩国演出。2003年9月,中国爱乐乐团在余隆率领下出访欧洲,在著名的巴黎国家歌剧院、华沙国家大剧院和维也纳音乐之友协会大厅举行了极为成功的演出。2004年12月,中国爱乐乐团应邀在意大利共和国议会大厅演出圣诞音乐会,意大利国家电视台通过欧洲联播节目向世界转播引起巨大反响。 2005年2月至4月,中国爱乐乐团在艺术总监余隆的率领下远涉重洋举行了中国音乐史上空前规模的环球世界巡演,历时40余天,在美国、加拿大、意大利、斯洛文尼亚、克罗地亚、英国、德国等国家的22个城市成功举行音乐会,其巡演时间之长,涉足地域之广,演出场次之多,不仅在中国乐团出访史上前所未有,在全亚洲的交响乐团中也实属罕见,引起了国际社会的广泛关注。包括纽约林肯中心音乐厅、伦敦巴比肯音乐厅和柏林爱乐音乐厅在内的一系列演出,都引起巨大轰动,受到包括美国《纽约时报》、英国《泰晤士报》、德国《法兰克福汇报》等在内的西方主流媒体的热评,称赞中国爱乐乐团“堪与世界上任何一个著名乐团媲美”,“为中国交响乐的历史书写了崭新的篇章”,“为中国人赢得了骄傲”。 中国爱乐乐团与国内外许多优秀音乐家有过成功合作,其中包括克里斯托夫·潘德列茨基、弗拉基米尔·阿什肯纳奇、米哈伊尔·普雷特涅夫、奥科·卡姆、迈克·斯特恩、伊扎克·帕尔曼、米沙·麦斯基、加里·格拉夫曼、阿纳托尔·乌格尔斯基、格哈特·奥皮兹、奥古斯丁·杜梅、萨拉·张、伊曼纽尔·艾克斯、郎朗、白建宇、萨宾娜·迈耶、约瑟夫·希尔弗斯坦、林昭亮、王健、李云迪、竹泽恭子、汤沐海、水兰、克劳斯·韦瑟、邵恩、朱利安·劳埃德·韦伯、普拉西多·多明戈、谢丽尔·斯图德和廖昌永等。 2000年11月,德意志唱片公司发行了两张由余隆指挥中国爱乐乐团录制的唱片,其中之一为瓦格纳的歌剧《唐豪瑟》序曲和由勋伯格改编为乐队版的勃拉姆斯G小调钢琴四重奏,另一张为中国作品集。
China Philharmonic Orchestra The CHINA PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA ("CPO" ) was established on May 25, 2000, on the basis of the former China Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra and under the auspices of China Radio, Film and Television Bureau as a national level orchestra with 120 musicians. Long Yu is its current artistic director and principal conductor. The founding of the CPO on the basis of the CBSO was a major event in China's musical development and marked both the beginning of a new chapter in the history of symphonic music in China, and the start of China's increasingly active role in the performance of western classical music. In line with standard world practice, the CPO finds its players by engaging outstanding musicians from China and other parts of the world. The CPO's unswerving commitment to player quality means that it now ranks among the largest and most promising orchestras in Asia. The CPO's seasons are planned so as to establish extensive collaborative relationships with world-famous conductors and soloists. Under the guidance of its artistic director, the CPO aims to introduce the gems of China's symphonic music to the world and the best offered by the western musical heritage to Chinese audiences. The CPO also attaches great importance to innovation and creativity. On December 16, 2000, the China Philharmonic Orchestra gave a highly acclaimed inaugural concert in Beijing under the baton of its artistic director, Long Yu. The CPO's first season ran from September 2001 to July 2002, during which it offered a repertoire of works from different periods and styles. Among the highlights were the world premier of the Philip Glass Concerto for Cello and Orchestra, and performances of Gustav Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde and "ymphony of a Thousand" (a PRC premiere), Hector Berlioz's La Damnation de Faust, and Du Mingxin's Symphonic Peking Opera Female Generals from Yang Family, composed specially for the CPO. Among its 2002-2003 season's highlights were the historical China premiere of the largest works in the orchestral literature-Mahler's Symphony No.8, "Symphony of a Thousand", featuring massed musicians under the inspiring leading of maestro Long Yu, and "The Immortal Beethoven"Series with all the symphonies and concertos of the composer. The 2003-2004 season CPO made the completion of the orchestra's Mahler symphony cycle that throughout three seasons and honored the anniversary of Dvorak's death with performances of his major orchestral works. Besides, CPO's production of Bizet's Carmen with Long Yu as both conductor and stage director impressed the public with its great artistic level that the orchestra has achieved. The CPO attracted attention from overseas soon after its first performances. In September 2001, the CPO toured Taipei, Hsinchu, Taichung, and Kaohsiung, the major cities of Taiwan. At the invitation of the Casals Festival, the CPO visited San Juan , Puerto Rico in June 2002. The two performances, conducted respectively by Long Yu and Krzystof Penderecki, the CPO's principal guest conductor, proved to be a great successes and major event of the festival. Equally impressive were the two concerts that the CPO gave in San Jose and Los Angeles, following the tour of Puerto Rico. In September 2002, the CPO made a successful tour of Japan and Korea. In 2003, the orchestra toured Europe, with memorable concerts at the world-famous Palais Garnier, Paris, the Teatr Wielki-National Opera Warsaw and the Grosser Saal of the Musikverein, Vienna. In the December of 2004, CPO was invited by Italian government to perform in the Senate Main Hall for the traditional Christmas Concert of Senato della Repubblica. The concert was live broadcasted to the world by Italian National TV Station. From February to April, 2005, CPO went on its grand world tour under the baton of maestro Long Yu. During the 40-day tour, CPO gave performances in 22 cities in the United States, Canada, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, United Kingdom and Germany. No other symphony orchestra in China, perhaps in all of Asia, had ever performed in the international arena on such a grand scale. Among the famed venues CPO staged performances were Avery Fisher Hall, Barbican Hall, and Berlin Philharmonie. CPO played to rave reviews from major media, including the New York Times and The Times of London. The CPO has collaborated with many renowned musicians including Krzysztof Penderecki, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Mikhail Pletnev, Okko Kamu, Michael Stern, Itzhak Perlman, Mischa Maisky, Gary Graffman, Anatol Ugorski, Gerhard Oppitz, Augustin Dumay, Sara Chang, Emanuel Ax, Lang Lang, Kun Woo Paik, Sabine Mayer, Josef Silverstein, Cho-Liang Lin, Jian Wang, Yundi Li, Kyoko Takezawa, Muhai Tang, Lan Shui, Klause Weise, En Shao, Jullian Lloyd Webber, Placido Domingo, Cheryl Studer and Changyong Liao to name just a few. The orchestra has recorded two CDs for Deutsche Gramophone under Long Yu's direction: one of Wagner's Tannh妘ser Overture and Schoenberg's orchestration of the Brahms Piano Quartet in G minor, and the other of Chinese orchestral works.