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http://ent.sina.com.cn 2006年09月15日10:11 新浪娱乐




  梅托迪·布佐尔自2001年先后获得 “弗朗切斯科·维纳斯”比赛三等奖,圣彼得堡奥勃拉佐娃比赛二等奖。2004年梅托迪·布佐尔成为圣彼得堡马林斯基剧院青年歌手学院独唱演员。

  Metodie Bujor


  Metodie Bujor started his career very young as a soloist at Opera Theatre in Chiscinau, the capital of his native country, while he was studying at the Academy of Music. There he made his debut singing many roles, among which Frate in Don Carlo and Dottore in La Traviata.

  In 2000 Metidie Bujor was invited by Maestro Evgeny Kolobov to the Theatre “Novaya Opera” in Moscow, where the young bass had the opportunity of professional training and extending both the Italian and Russian repertoire. He performed important roles: Prince Gremin in Evgeny Onegin, Pimen in Boris Godunov, Salieri in Mozart and Salieri by Rimsky-Korsakov, Robert Cecil in Maria Stuarda, Loredano in I due Foscari and Sparafucile in Rigoletto. He sang Gremin in Evgeny Onegin at Hamburg’s Staatsoper, where Metodie Bujor also had a great success as soloist in Verdi’s Massa da Requiem conducted by Maesrto Stefan Soltesz.

  Metodie Bujor’s concert repertoire includes Verdi’s Messa da Requiem (performed at the Kremlin Palace of Moscow), Beethoven’s SymphonyNo.9, Haydn’s Die Schoepfung and Mozart’s Messa da Requiem.

  His repertoire also includes Don Alfonso in Cosi’ fan tutte, Leporello in Don Giovanni, Monterone in Rigoletto, Timur in Turandot, Ferrando in Il Trovatore, Conte Rodolfo in La Sonnambula and King Rene in Iolanta.

  He participated at the Italian Spoleto Festival of the two Worlds singing Banco in Macbeth.

  He appeared in a series of concerts with Elena Obraztsova in Saint Petersburg during the summer 2003.

  From Septembre 2006 he collaborates with Leipzig Opera to perform in operas Margherite d’Anjou, La Boheme and Luisa Miller.

  Since 2001 Metidie Bujor has been awarded prizes in several singing competitions, among which the third prize at Competition “Francesco Viňas” and the second prize at the Elena Obraztsova Competition in Saint Petersburg.

  Since 2004 Bujor is a soloist of the Mariinsky Young Singers’ Academy in Saint Petersburg.



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